Sunday, December 30, 2007

Stephanie’s Testimony and Call

I was raised in an unsaved home and lost my father as a child. The only exposure I had to any Bible was through occasional visits to my grandparents church. Through meeting Aaron and his family I was exposed to solid Bible preaching and witness. I made a profession of faith when being taught a discipleship lesson on salvation in the late 90's but I had not repented of my sin. God began to chip away at Aaron and I in amazing ways in the fall of 2002. The Holy Spirit was working and we eagerly started studying God’s word, attending church, serving and removing the sinful influences and practices in our lives. I desired the things of God and wanted God to use us but I had never truly repented of my sin. On July 20th of 2003 I heard a message on hypocrisy and false prophets and realized then that I had not been truly saved. It was our 8th wedding anniversary when I heard that message, repented of my sins and the Lord Jesus Christ changed me forever!

We consider it a privilege that God has called us to serve Him in the Philippines. We are excited about seeing God do great things for His glory. He has been directing Aaron for years now toward ministry and it is very clear that the direction is to missions. We have an excitement about this work of faith and we trust in Him to continue to be faithful to His word in our lives. God has blessed us with four wonderful children and I am grateful for the role God has given me as a helpmate, wife and mother. I look forward to assisting my husband in ministry and raising our children to be the next generation of soldiers for Christ. We are confident that Christ will continue His work in our lives and provide and equip us for this work.

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