Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Letter of Recommendation - Pastor George Grace

December 5, 2007

Dear Pastor and Faithful Church Leaders,

First Bible Baptist Church in Rochester, New York has a rich and exciting history. At my last count there are over 140 families who have been trained for the ministry and sent to assignments all over the world!

Currently we have four more families that have arrived on the mission field or have declared their future intentions.

Aaron and Stephanie Putney have served faithfully at FBBC for several years. Aaron was born and raised here, graduated from our Christian School, Northstar Christian Academy, from our four year Bible Institute, North Star Bible Institute, and is serving as a deacon in our church. Aaron is recognized as a leader by his pastors and peers. Stephanie is a wonderful mom and help meet for Aaron and has fulfilled an important role in Aaron’s preparation for a ministry in the Philippine Islands.

It has been no secret that the Putneys have had their eyes on the Islands for some time. Aaron has made several work related / mission trips where the Lord has burdened his heart for these people. Aaron has a well thought out plan and strategy to get from where he is today, to where God wants him tomorrow. Aaron is prepared, organized, thorough, and committed.

There are many worthy families who seek the support of “like faith” churches like yours. I cannot recommend these other personally, but I can recommend the Putneys to you. You will be placing your prayers, trust and money in good hands. Like you, I wish I could help more than we do. One of my greatest concerns today is the fact that worthy, committed candidates for mission work have to spend an inordinate amount of time and energy to get to the field.

All that I can ask you to do is to prayerfully consider the need and the family. I promise you that if you send a missionary my way, I will do the same.

Sincerely in Him,

Pastor George Grace

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