Friday, April 11, 2008

Homegrown Missions Conference

We had a great time this week with many of our heroes of the faith. The conference at FBBC through whose ministry I was raised, saved, trained etc was focused this past week on the 27 individuals and families that were trained at FBBC and are serving or preparing to serve on fields all over the world. 13 of these families were present this week.
It was a blessing to be able to stand in front of so many of our dearest friends, brothers and sisters in Christ and share with them how their investment in us is just one more indication that our labor is never in vain in the Lord. We praise the Lord for the amount of encouragement and prayer support that families have offered us. We knew that many we have been close with for years would be by our side but we were humbled by all those that we dont know well in this large church who are taking an active part in the Philippines by beseeching God to do a work there.

Autumn with Grandma

Autumn joined me at Men's prayer meeting on Tuesday night after the service. It has done her well to be around all the older Missionary kids this week, they have such a sweet spirit and have encouraged her in the Lord. She will likely not understand what to expect on the field of for the next many months of deputation but she is excited that God is in control and has been amazed at the many answered prayers we have seen already! Praise the Lord!


Janice said...

"It was a blessing to be able to stand in front of so many of our dearest friends, brothers and sisters in Christ and share with them how their investment in us is just one more indication that our labor is never in vain in the Lord."

That statement sums up my thoughts. This thing we call Life is such an amazing gift of passing on and down the Blessings we have received from others. Selfless giving and living is truly at the heart of a minister of the Gospel!

Alex said...

It was a great blessing to have you guys here in "Missions" mode.