Thursday, January 8, 2009

Praise and request

As I finish my last few days here in Manila and eagerly anticipate being reunited with my wife and daughters, I rejoice at all that God has done and taught me through these two weeks. Today I preached at New Bilibid max security prison with Bro. Rex Galfo, a Filipino man who has surrendered to go to India with his family. He is a wonderful man who has planted two churches here and been in ministry for 10+ years. It was a blessing to fellowship and learn from him as we spent nearly three hours on a bus together just getting there because of an assortment of delays (traffic violation by the driver, windshield wiper failure repair, traffic etc). It was absolutely pouring here today and so we were strategically placing chairs and the pulpit between the leaks in the roof of the pavilion style church there. The Lord gave us a good turnout and we praise Him for the receptivity of the men. Bro. Jun is doing a great work here at Bilibid.
On the streets God has been blessing wonderfully. We have gone into many poor communities in the city and been able to be a blessing and encouragement to the kids with goodies as well as present the gospel again and again to groups of all sizes. It is amazing to see how God provides the groups of people and then overcomes the distractions of people shouting and sometimes mocking in order to touch the hearts of the humble. We have seen many bow their heads and call on the Lord in the midst of the distractions this week! While some may just be doing what their friends are, we take extra time to explain how serious and personal this decision is and how it differs from the practices and religious exercises they are used to. We have intentionally held back a portion of our tracts, ornaments and bracelets for tomorrow when we will go out with a larger group of workers that have been out of town until now. We hope to gather them into larger groups, sit them down and spend adequate time in the presentation of the gospel and have workers to deal individually where opportunity arises. Please pray for conducive weather, softened hearts and souls to be delivered to God's glory.The trip to Baguio and San Fernando over the weekend went very well, much was learned about the area, existing works, needs etc. We have much to pray about! Thank you for all your prayer and encouragement, please continue to lift up Steph and the girls as I am away - Maraming Salamat Po (many thanks)

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